AMVI 28/V/2018

Operaciones conjuntas entre escuadrones.
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Re: AMVI 28/V/2018

Post by Dardo_01 » Mon, 28 May 2018, 16:37

Nuestras principales amenazas AA son F-16C-32 (AB Abu Suwayr) y F-16C-40 (AB Faid) y en menor medida, dada la lejanía, MIG-21F (AB Al Mansurha y AB Hurghada).

Nos detecta en su RWR a 20nm, rango de su radar 9nm, rompe nuestro ECM a 4nm
MAR 6 DR 9 DOR 14
Deja bastante humo detrás. Se rompe su lock con notch y jammer. Cuando estamos blocados por él estamos MUY cerca. Si no se tiene SA drag. Si se tiene SA disparar AIM120 antes del merge. Inferior a F16/18 en viraje ( continuado 11º/s instantáneo 21º/s). Se recomienda usar el plano vertical. Pobre aceleración, 14 segs de idle a mil. Radio de combate 150-200nm
No tiene capacidad lookdown. mantener por encima de 450 en dogfight. Evitar el down and slow. Detectable en el radar a 25-30 nm

Nos detecta en su RWR a 21 nm. RWR suyo nos detecta a 36 nm, look down 36nm, ECM burnthorugh 12-14nm
Posee misiles activos. Se rompe el lock con ECM y beam. También sliceback/pump.
No humea. Muy buena capacidad de dogfight. Tiene HMCS
MAR 18 DR 20 DOR 27
Radio de combate 400 nm
Aparece en nuestro radar a 40-45 nm
Se recomienda ECM hasta 18-20 nm con disparo bien en timeline habitual o a 20 nm.
Defender AMRAAM con poniéndolo a las 6 y chaff
En dogfight se recomienda rate fight en corner speed
Francisco Navarro "Dardo" - AME022
Piloto de Caza y Ataque

Destino Operativo:
Piloto 152 Escuadrón Virtual

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Re: AMVI 28/V/2018

Post by Daisan » Mon, 28 May 2018, 23:08

El ACMI, muy sencilla la misión ... wIPmtBCRqy

Os recomiento que lo veáis, es un ejemplo práctico de lo que hemos hablado de hacer una interceptación single side offset, igual que para identificación visual, pero para BVR

Mañana debriefing
Diego Novillo "Daisan"

Posts: 6384
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Re: AMVI 28/V/2018

Post by Daisan » Tue, 29 May 2018, 09:32

Our ACMI file ... wIPmtBCRqy

I was in command of Hornet flight, eventually 3 ships, we lost one of our pilots, but we have also planned the mission for 2-3 pilots, so no major problems

An uneventful connection, quick and easy. Nice flow of departing planes, one minute per flight, having two parallel RWYs is doable in case of emergencies. We usually plan take off more spaced, and having some holdings points/waste time points, to feed then the flow of the package. We do it that way to avoid sequencing problems if any of the flights suffers from delays, malfunctions, emergencies, etc. In night missions we usually fly radar trail departures, but having just one minute we did a 3 ship 10 seconds split with night visual rejoin. Hornet 12 suffered a gear malfunction, so 13 rejoined on him, checked it, and 12 left the ship in order to man 14, ordering RTB to AI 12

That way 13-14 were delayed and forced to an autonomous fence in, instead of mutual locks, flare/chaff test, etc. Our initial plan was to enter 2 ahead 1 trailer, but with picture clear we pushed 1+2 to establish the CAP

I think that the AWACS comms problems were due to your IVC configuration. Please check file C:\Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\Bin\x86\IVC\IVC Client.ini and be sure of having:

outsiders = all

I think that having two different AWACS for A2A and A2G is an inconvenience. We had SEAD in DL, but not in radio. And strikers in any of them. That way we needed our AWACS to coordinate to know if SAMs in our area were active or not, and also for strikers. That wastes time, can modify optimal intercepts/reactions/situational awareness, etc.

AWACS vectored us to bandits at 20:32, being 1+2 and close to 40 nm out, so 11 executed a BVR single side offset, with two uneventful kills. 13-14 covering, second line. We did a CAP reset, we missed having coordination with SEAD Viper to cover our hot side while we were making our retrograde, but we covered most time with 360/checks of elements

After Miller time, we closed as scheduled and RTB. We suffered some delay due to traffic. I think that Alex, our ATC, can help next time to make it easier and avoid holdings. After some problems with the formation integrity we succesfully recovered in Ben Gurion

Grazie mile for the invitation. We enjoyed the mission, as always that we fly with you. It is really great to fly such well planned and executed missions with so professional pilots as you. Bravo guys!

Looking forward to the next one!


Diego Novillo "Daisan"

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